Here's what's been going on...
Presenting: “The Prescott Journals.”
You can be “in the room where it happened.” Please watch, the launch of “The Prescott Journals,” from May 31, 2023. The visuals turned out to be a bit hazy, but thankfully, the sound is clear. I hope you enjoy it. You can order the novel on, or I honestly think you’ll find this mystery/thriller to be a welcome read this summer, or during any season at all. My PR Rep. Mary Ellen asks, if you do read The Prescott Journals and (I hope) you like it, please spread the word to friends, neighbours, libraries, bookstores; heck, to anyone who has anything to do with reading and books. And if you get it on Amazon as a kindle, or a paper copy, please post a review there, or on Good Reads, or anywhere you can post a comment or review. It’s how the book will get many more eyes on it. Here’s to exciting reading ahead.

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"Reva was raised in the small town of Prescott, Ontario. In the late eighties and early nineties, that town was rocked by claims of unspeakable crimes which stirred the author to write The Prescott Journals, a fictional tale inspired by the events that unfolded" ...Read the full review from here.

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A conversation with Victoria Bennison on her worldwide podcast, Fika With Vicky